Educate a Girl Educate a family

Water is what we need to invest in for a bright Future

Agriculture and Farming


About Us

K. M Sonawala Charitable trust is engaged in promoting education, agriculture infrastructure and self sustaining activities for the tribal girls of Kaprada village in the Dharampur district near Valsad, Gujarat. We are running a girls hostel where all opportunities for education up to 12th standard are made available to the girls. At present the hostel accommodates over 130 girls from the 8th to 12th standard. These girls come from over 65 villages around Kaprada Taluka.

The trust has spent an excess of 2.5 crores over the period of 30 years on the project. We began at a grass root level and have generated infrastructural & allied facilities. The project has been acclaimed by many eminent personalities. Thanks to this education the girls have grown in confidence and have learnt to fend for themselves. They have become independent, they can manage their lives and hence their families a lot better as well. Education has given them a opportunity to improve in all aspects of life.  We have seen a sea of change in their approach to education, finance, health and hygiene, agriculture and even the simple of things in life. this has given us the motivation to keep growing and touch more lives.

Our Philsophy

Educate a girl Educate a Village

We have always believed that education of women is the only way to improve and help the adivasi tribes of this region. A educated girl ensures that the entire family and even village is uplifted and can help grow the economy

Water is Essence of Life

We realised the importance of water for farming and how the lack of it in summer reduces crop yeilds. So we have started building rain water harvesting lakes and wells accross various villages to help the farmers

Exposure leads to Oppurtunities

Exposing the girls and villagers to the outside world through education, talks from emminent personalites and even educational tours has led to them dreaming bigger and striving to achieve their dreams

Our History

Nitin Sonawala our founding trustee

The trust has spent an excess of 2.5 crores over the period of 30 years on the project. We began at a grass root level and have generated infrastructural & allied facilities. The project has been acclaimed by many eminent personalities. Thanks to this education the girls have grown in confidence and have learnt to fend for themselves. They have become independent, they can manage their lives and hence their families a lot better as well. Education has given them a opportunity to improve in all aspects of life. We have seen a sea of change in their approach to education, finance, health and hygiene, agriculture and even the simple of things in life. this has given us the motivation to keep growing and touch more lives.

Meet our Trustees

Nitin Sonawala

Founding Trustee

Nitin Sonawala lives for the upliftment of the region of Kaprada. he has given his blood, sweat and tears over the past 30 years and is the visionary behind this organization

Lois Daniel

Creative Director

Jay Peters

Creative Director

Shawn Lawson

Creative Director




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